Table of book's contents
Part One:
The People of Industrialism Chapter One: The Hunter and the Farmer
- The Producer's World According to Veblen
- The Deindustrialization of America
Chapter Two: Marxism: the failed promise
Chapter Three: Are Producers a Class?
- Class Conflict
- Preservation of Archaic Traits
- The Danger of Preserved Predatory Traits
Chapter Four: The Theory of the Industrial
When Creativity Becomes Important!
- The Producer as an Artist
- Creativity and Producer Class History
- Skills, Procedures, and ValuesThe Art of Technology
- Great Artists Must Often Work for Predators
- Is "Producer" or "Predator" a
Personality Type?
- Homeopathic Differences Between Predators and Producers
- Is Conflict Between Producers and Predators Inevitable?
- Value Confusion versus Value Clarity
Part Two:
The Economics of Industrialism
Chapter Five: The Economics of Predation
- The Myth of the Market
- The Economics of Predation
- The Myth of Value-Free Science
Chapter Six: Money!
- Preindustrial Assumptions
- The New Reality
- Industrial Monetary Policy
- Industrial usury
- N.U.P.
- NUP only applies to simple interest
- Severe 1970s-style inflation
- The Volcker rollback
- The damage to the economy when interest rates exceed NUP
- Never kill the customer
- Noneconomic damage caused by interest rates above NUP
Chapter Seven: Fordism
- The Fordist economic principles
Chapter eight: Tools!
- The Nature of Tools
- The Economics of Design
- Design as a Growth Factor
- Producer versus Predator Capital
- The Justification for Green Design
Chapter Nine: The Great Riverboat Gamble
- Military Keynesianism on the Ground
- The Selling of Catastrophe
Part Three:
The Industrial Environmental Solution
Chapter Ten: Do Producers Have a Plan?
- The promise
- Closing the Loop
- An end to the economics of waste
Chapter Eleven: Technological Elegance
- Elegant Technology
- The Rules of Industrial Elegance
- Elegant Waste Management
- Elegant Agriculture
- Elegant Medicine and Population Control
- Elegant Tools
- Elegant Energy Applications
- The Elegant Mix
Chapter Twelve: Building a Consensus For Action
- Building for the Future--Industrial Environmentalism as a Development
- Mega-projects
- Paying the costs
Chapter Thirteen: The Hurdles to Industrial Environmentalism
- Hurdles of Awareness:
- Information
- Education
- Value Hurdles:
- Capitulation to the Policies of Predation
- The price of liberty is eternal vigilance
- Guarding Against Predation
- Militarism
- Redeploying the Military
- Political Hurdles:
- The Need to Invent a Producer Politics
- Economic Hurdles:
Is Industrial Environmentalism Affordable?
Chapter Fourteen : The Populist Perspective
- The Cultural Manifestations of Populism
- Political Populism
- Will Neo-Populism Triumph?
- Supplemental Populism Reading List